Beaufort Gliding Club- Bacchus Marsh Victoria Australia

IZI Midnight at Corowa 2025 by Mia
Hornet GT towplane project

OGN log YBSS Bacchus Marsh.

Gliding experiences in Melbourne. Trial and joy flights with Beaufort Gliding Club at Bacchus Marsh.

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If you feel the need to try something new - something that will provide excitement, beauty, new challenges and friends - the spectacular sport of gliding offers you a lifetime of pleasures. Real flying in modern gliders enables you to explore the skies for a whole day long, travelling perhaps two or three hundred kilometres before you return home as the sun sets. 

It is not difficult to become a safe glider pilot. So long as you are reasonably fit you can learn to glide at any age; you can fly solo as young as 15. Once trained, many newcomers go on to fly cross-country and to enjoy for themselves the exhilaration of finding up-currents of air and viewing the unfolding world below in its proper perspective. And if you like to compete, gliding can be one of the most challenging and demanding of individual sports, both mentally and physically. 

But, for most people, the joy of gliding comes from simply flying quietly like a bird in the freedom of the air and sharing with friends their enthusiasm for all that the sport has to offer. There is nothing else they would rather be doing. 

We offer trial instructional flights to allow you to experience the exhilarating three-dimensional world of glider flying.  These flights not only allow budding glider pilots to “try before they buy”, but are available to anyone who wishes to enjoy the experience of flying.  For further details, click on the "Services" link above for gliding flights in Melbourne.

About Us

The Beaufort Gliding Club provides initial and advanced training in glider flying and has been doing so safely for over 60 years.  

It was established in Melbourne during 1942 by employees of the Department of Aircraft Production, Beaufort Division (Fishermen's Bend), which built Bristol Beaufort bombers for the Royal Australian Air Force.

The Club is affiliated with the Gliding Federation of Australia and is run as a non-profit organisation that is incorporated for the protection of its members.   It is managed by annually elected Officers and training is carried out by Gliding Federation of Australia authorised Instructors who are provided free of charge. 

No licence is required to fly gliders whilst a member of the Club.

Our Aim

The aim of the Club is to encourage people in all facets of gliding, with a strong emphasis on the co-operative efforts of all members to keep costs as low as possible. This ensures that the sport is affordable to the widest possible section of the community.

Contact Information

For the more detailed or specific questions that you will most certainly have, please contact us using one of the methods below. Our contact will be only too pleased to answer your queries.
Peter Champness (03) 9497-2048
Postal address
66 Waterdale Road, Ivanhoe Vic 3079
Electronic mail
General Information:

For Emergency and Operational Matters Contact:



Christopher Thorpe

Chief Flying Instructor

0414 476 151

Send mail to Webmaster with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2001 - 2023 Beaufort Gliding Club Inc. ABN 80 220 583 498
Last modified: 10 April 2023