Beaufort Gliding Club



Trial Flights
Flight Training
Fees & Charges


If you are interested in becoming a glider pilot or would merely like to experience gliding, come and have a flight with us.  You too can explore the skies in a sailplane... it's for anyone... of any age... it's fun... relaxing... exhilarating... challenging... it's all year round... and it's an affordable way to fly!  Visitors are always welcome.

Membership is open to men and women of any age with no special qualifications required. In Australia, the minimum age for solo is 15 years.

Your first flights will be in a dual-control glider with a qualified instructor. You will be launched into the air by being towed behind a light aeroplane.  Once you have been taught to fly to solo standard (on average 50 take-offs and landings) you will want to develop your newly acquired skills. 


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Copyright © 2001 - 2021 Beaufort Gliding Club Inc. ABN 80 220 583 498
Last modified: 16 June 2021